At Tokyo Taiyo the customer always comes first. At the same time, we place great importance on monitoring both our domestic and overseas suppliers since we handle products and agricultural materials that are affected by a diverse range of factors. We are constantly monitoring external factors such as the weather, foreign currency exchange markets, raw material markets, overall supply and demand, and freight pricing trends.
From our domestic sources, Tokyo Taiyo secures quality compound feed materials (*Please refer to the list below) so that we can support compound feed makers and specialty companies in manufacturing high-level products. Our sales office works closely in supplying dairy farms and beef cattle ranches with compound feed materials. We are especially proud of our comprehensive support of the feed program for the top class "Hayama" brand of cattle. Another business that Tokyo Taiyo is involved in is securing raw feed materials for hog and poultry farming.
*Domestic Raw Feed Materials
Bran, Specialty Bran, Flour, Wheat Flour (Flour Millers)
Assorted Oil Seed Pulp, Soy Bean Pulp, Bran Pulp (Oil Seed Extractors)
Rice Pulp, Distillery Pulp (Rice Polishing Factories, Alcohol Distillery)
Barley, Corn Processed Goods, Barley By-Product (Barley Milers)
Various By-Product of Feed Material Makers (Includes Combined Products)
We also handle general food products such as rice grain, barley grain, and sugar.
The United Sates has been partnering with other countries, and especially Japan, in leading the raw feed materials market (Grass, etc). Initially it was thought that the greener the grass the better. However, over the years experience has shown that ingredient value and analysis, technology, productivity, and safety are key ingredients as well.
Tokyo Taiyo handles all American grown grass products (Timothy grass, alfalfa hey, sudan grass, various kinds of straw), hey cube, beat pulp palette and cottonseed.
Using our experience and emphasis on cost, our philosophy is to choose partners carefully so that safety is emphasized.
Like the United States, Tokyo Taiyo has a long lasting relationship with Canada. Over the first 20 years or so, low priced hey cube was our main product. Recently, with the changing markets, a shift to grass has taken place and the country is now our main supplier of Timothy grass. With fertile soil, vast land and plentiful natural resources, we feel the province of Alberta is a vital business partner worth keeping an eye on.
Instead of just relying on the Northern hemisphere, Tokyo Taiyo saw opportunities in the Australian market. While crops cannot grow in Japan or the Northern hemisphere in the winter, the opposite is happening in this country. This changeover period supports Japan, and recently we have seen a big increase in the supply of oats hey, a product that is fast becoming a key ingredient in global compound feed materials. Oats hey and cottonseed are becoming a staple product for us. We also secure barley hey, various kinds of straw, alfalfa hey and hey cube from Australia.
Tokyo Taiyo handles Chinese beat pulp, rice straw and raw materials for mushroom horticulture (corn-cob). Straw imports increased when there was a shortage in domestic production. Concerning beat pulp, there was a time when China was the leading supplier. In the past, we were able to secure grass as well, however the supply has decreased in recent years.
Tokyo Taiyo also secures materials from South East Asia. Regardless of the region, we place the utmost importance in on-the spot inspection, regular visits to our partners, product inspections in Japan and continued negotiations in order to meet the product, safety and delivery needs of Japan.